
Download vitamin d and vitamin k
Download vitamin d and vitamin k

When vitamin K and vitamin D are received in the correct amounts, there are benefits to the cardiovascular systema and to bone density. It is very difficult to get sufficient vitamin D from diet alone. Vitamin D is often associated with getting enough sunlight, as the majority of vitamin D comes from exposing our bare skin to sunlight.

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Without vitamin D we cannot absorb calcium, which means our bones are at risk of becoming soft or brittle. Vitamin D is responsible for controlling the amount of calcium and phosphate in our bodies. Two important fat-soluble vitamins are vitamin D and vitamin K. As we cannot produce these ourselves, we must absorb them through our daily diets or lifestyles. Vitamins are organic compounds essential for our bodies to perform a range of specific functions. Future research may focus on the combination of specific vitamins and long-term impact of supplement use, a popular worldwide trend.

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Dr Hanne van Ballegooijen and her team from Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc, work to understand the consequences of such deficiencies on human health. Although they can be absorbed through a healthy lifestyle, many people are deficient in vitamins such as vitamin D and vitamin K.

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Vitamins are essential nutrients our bodies require to perform important functions.

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